joi, 6 octombrie 2016




Baza de calcul a punctajului pensiei

Prevederile legii pensiilor 263/2010

Vezi aici Prevederile legii pensiilor 19/2000

Calculul punctajului pensiei se face conform prevederilor legii pensiilor 263/2010 articolele 94-100. Art 2 litera e din legea de mai sus prevede ca sistemul public de pensii are la baza "principiul contributivitatii, conform caruia fondurile de asigurari sociale se constituie pe baza contributiilor datorate de persoanele fizice si juridice, participante la sistemul public, drepturile de asigurari sociale cuvenindu-se pe temeiul contributiilor de asigurari sociale platite"
Baza de calcul a pensiei este stabilita prin legea pensiilor atfel:

Perioada inainte de 1 aprilie 2001

Baza de calcul a fost stabilita prin legea 3/1977 si nu a fost direct de sumele pentru care s-a platit contributie de asigurari sociale.
In aceasta perioada angajatii nu au platit contributie de asigurari sociale, aceasta a fost platita numai de angajator pentru intreg fondul de salarii. Contributia platita de angajati s-a numit „contributie pentru pensie suplimentara” si pentru aceasta se acorda separat o majorare a punctajelor anuale.
Baza de calcul a pensiei este constituita din salariul tarifar inscris in carnetul de munca si sporurile permanente prevazute in legea 57/1974 modificata prin legea 49/1992.
Sporurile permanente au fost acordate sub forma de procent din salariu tarifar sau ca suma fixa platita pentru diverse compensari.
Enumeram mai jos unele sporuri permanente care intra in baza de calcul a pensiei fara ca lista sa fie limitata la acestea:
  1. 1. Sporul de vechime.
    Sporul de vechime care intra in calculul pensiei nu este cel platit angajatilor deoarece inainte de aprilie 1992 acest spor a fost acordat pentru vechimea neintrerupta iar cei care intrerupeau activitatea prin demisie li se relua calculul sporului de vechime pentru noua vechime neintrerupta. Dupa aprilie 1992 sporul de vechime a fost calculat pentru toata vechimea si a fost introdus in salalariul inscris in cartea de munca. In aceste conditii inainte de aprilie 1992 sporul care intra in calculul pensiei este calculat automat de Casa de pensii ca spor pentru intreaga vechime indiferent ca aceasta a fost intrerupta. Modul de determinare a sporului de vechime este explicat de noi pe forum la “Sporul de vechime”
  2. 2. Sporurile pentru conditiile de munca (grele, toxicitate, etc)
  3. 3. Sporul de santier pentru cei care lucrau pe santiere departe de domiciliu.
  4. 4. Sporul pentru conducerea formatiilor de lucru.
  5. 5. Indemnizatii pentru personalul navigant.
  6. 6. Majorarea salariilor pentru cei distinsi cu ordine si medalii.
  7. 7. Sporuri acordate angajatilor unor intreprinderi (Romarta, Spitalul Elias, Studiorile Alexandru Sahia, etc..)
  8. 8. Sporuri pentru lucru in subteran.
  9. 9. Majorarea salariului pentru executarea unei functii suplimentare (sofer-taxator, primitor-distribuitor- gestionar, etc..)
  10. 10. Majorare salariu pentru nevazatori.
  11. 11. Indemnizatie de conducere.
  12. 12. Spor pentru lucru sistematic peste program.
  13. 13. Spor pentru lucru de noapte, pe schimburi conform unui grafic.
  14. 14. Sporuri pentru lucratorii din invatamant (grade didactice, dirigentie, sef de catedra etc)
  15. 15. Majorare salariu pentru profesorii din scolile speciale pentru copii cu deficiente.
  16. 16. Indemnizatii acordate lucratorilor din domeniile “Ocrotirea sanatatii” si “Artistic”
  17. 17. Spor pentru personalul civil care au lucrat in unitatile militare

Nu fac parte din baza de calcul a pensiei urmatoarele castiguri:
  1. 1. Castigurile in acord sau cu bucata.
  2. 2. Castigurile pentru plata orelor suplimentare ocazionale.
  3. 3. Participarea la beneficii a salariatilor din unitatile economice.
  4. 4. Premiile anuale sau din cursul anului pentru realizari deosebite.
  5. 5. Recompensele ocazionale primite in unele sectoare de activitate.
  6. 6. Diurnele de deplasare.
  7. 7. Indemnizatiile de delegare, detasare si transfer.
  8. 8. Drepturile de autor.
  9. 9. Drepturi primite la desfacerea contractului de munca.
  10. 10. Al 13-lea salariu.
  11. 11. Alte sporuri care nu au avut caracter permanent

Perioada dupa de 1 aprilie 2001

In aceasta perioada baza de calcul a fost stabilita prin legea 19/2000 pana la 31 decembrie 2010 si prin legea 263 /2010 dupa 01 ianuarie 2011

Baza de calcul a pensiei a fost limitata ca suma in perioadele:
    Intre 1 aprilie 2001 -31 decembrie 2002 la 3 salarii medii pe economie utilizate la fundamentarea bugetului asigurarilor sociale de stat.
  • Intre 1 ianuarie 2003 – 30 iunie 2007 la 5 salarii medii pe economie utilizate la fundamentarea bugetului asigurarilor sociale de stat.
  • Dupa 1 ianuarie 2011 la 4 salarii medii pe economie utilizate la fundamentarea bugetului asigurarilor sociale de stat.
Sumele limita ale bazei de calcul sunt specificate de noi pe prima pagina la Limitarea salariului luat in calculul pensiei Baza de calcul a punctajului pensiei pe perioadele asimilate cu stagiul de cotizare
  1. Pe perioada stagiilor asimilate cum ar fi studii universitare, stagiului militar sau scoala militara in cazul cadrelor militare active se foloseste - salariul minim pe economie pe perioada pana la 31 martie 2001 - 25% din salariul mediu brut lunar pe economie din perioadele respective dupa 01 aprilie 2001
  2. Pe perioada cat asiguratul a beneficiat de pensie de invaliditate se foloseste: - salariul minim pe economie pe perioada pana la 31 martie 2001 - valoarea pensiei de invaliditate primite dupa 01 aprilie 2001
  3. Pe perioada cat asiguratul a beneficiat de indemnizatie de somaj se iau in calculul pensiei drepturile banesti primite in acea perioada. Pe perioada de somaj in care asiguratii beneficiaza de salarii compensatorii sumele in calcul sunt diminuate prin inmultire cu raportul intre cota de contributie individuala de asigurare sociala impartita la cota totala de comtributie de asigurare sociala. Exemplu in anul 2011 acest raport este de 10.50/31,50 adica 1/3
  4. Pe perioadele cat asiguratul beneficiaza de drepturile acordate de Decretul – lege 118/1990 pentru determinarea punctajului anual se ia in calcul 1,5 salarii minime pe economie din acea perioada.
  5. La pensiilor de invaliditate in cazul in care pensionarul la acordarea pensiei nu are indeplinit stagiul complet de cotizare sau in unele conditii stagiul necesar de cotizare, se acorda stagii potentiale pentru perioada dupa data de iesire la pensie

Pe aceste perioade se acorda urmatoarele punctaje suplimentare:
  • 0,70 puncte pentru gradul I de invaliditate, respectiv pentru cei cu handicap grav;
  • 0,55 puncte pentru gradul II de invaliditate, respectiv pentru cei cu handicap accentuat;
  • 0,35 puncte pentru gradul III de invaliditate, respectiv pentru cei cu handicap mediu.
Baza de calcul a punctajului pensiei pe perioadele lucrate in agricultura Pe perioade lucrate in agricultura se disting doua perioade:
  • Inainte de intrarea in vigoare a legii 80/1992. In aceasta perioada in functie de normele lucrate la fostele CAP-uri Casa de pensii calculeaza vechimea in munca exprimata in ani utili. Pentru fiecare an util pentru cei care au lucrat la CAP precum si pentru fiecare an de contributie realizat de taranii cu gospodarie individuala se acorda un punctaj annual de 0,57255 puncte
  • Dupa intrarea in vigoare a legii 80/1992 pana la 31 martie 2001 se ia in calculul pensiei venitul asigurat la care s-a platit contributia de asigurari sociale.
Pe perioada in care in carnetul de munca nu sunt trecute salariile sau acestea sunt mai mici decat salariile medii pe economie si nu se prezinta adeverinte cu aceste salarii:
  • In perioada anterioara datei de 01 ianuarie 2011 pentru militarii activi sau asimilatii acestora se acorda un punct.
  • In perioada anterioara datei de 01 ianuarie 1963 se acorda un punct (tot un punct se acorda si asiguratilor care din calcul le iese mai putin de un punct).
  • In perioada dupa 01 ianuarie 1963 se ia in calculul pensiei salariul minim pe economie Pe perioada in care in carnetul de munca sunt trecute salariile orare: Se calculeaza salariile lunare luanduse in calcul numarul de ore lucrate lunar conform art 162 alin (1) din legea 263/2010 Datele necesare calculului pensiei pentru perioada anterioara lui 1 aprilie 2001 trebuie sa fie dovedite prin carnetul de munca si prin adeverinte eliberate de cei in drept. Datele necesare calculului pensiei pentru perioada dupa 1 aprilie 2001 nu mai trebuie dovedite deoarece atat sumele pentru care s-a platit contributie de asigurari sociale cat si contributia platita au fost transmise pe suport electronic la Casa de Pensii si sunt inregistrate in arhiva acesteia. Baza de calcul a punctajului pensiei pentru perioada dupa 1 aprilie 2001 poate fi ceruta la Casa de Pensii mentionad in cerere “Situatia stagiului de cotizare dupa 1 aprilie 2001” Punctaje suplimentare. Se acorda urmatoarele punctaje suplimentare:
    1. 1. Pentru contributia la pensie suplimentara cu 2%, 3% sau 5% in perioada 1 ianuarie 1967 – 31 martie 2001 se acorda o majorare a punctajelor medii anuale cu procentele prevazute la art 165 alin (3) din legea 263/2010
    2. 2. Pe perioada stagiilor de cotizare lucrate in grupele de munca I si II (inainte de 1 aprilie 2001) si in conditii deosebite, conditii speciale sau alte conditii (dupa de 1 aprilie 2001) se majoreaza punctajele medii anuale astfel:
      • cu 50 % pentru stagiul in gr I, conditii speciale sau alte conditii.
      • cu 25 % pentru stagiul in gr II.
      • cu 25 % pentru stagiul in conditii deosebite. Aceasta majorare se aplica si celor iesiti la pensie inainte de 01 ianuarie 2011 dar numai dupa 01 ianuarie 2012.



sâmbătă, 1 octombrie 2016




joi, 22 septembrie 2016



joi, 8 septembrie 2016


10 Free Courses on Astronomy and the Universe

Physicists Claim That They've Finally Figured Out How to 'See' Inside a Black Hole 

<iframe src="" width="500" height="503" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Five mind boggling theories about the universe and parallel worlds

1. Is the universe a 2D hologram?

The US Department of Energy launched an experiment to find this out earlier this year using its "Holometer". Researchers said that characters on a TV programme would not know their seemingly 3D world existed only on a 2D screen. In the same way, they said we technically could be living in a 2D universe with just an illusion of a 3D space. To find out, scientists said that if cooled to absolute zero, matter continues to emit quantum waves. If 2D packages (like pixels on a TV screen) follow the same theory, they will continue to vibrate. The Holometer is the most sensitive device ever, created to measure the "quantum jitter" of space.

 Craig Hogan, director of the laboratory, said: "We want to find out whether space-time is a quantum system, just like matter is. If we see something, it will completely change ideas about space we've used for thousands of years."

2. Universe is a bubble in a 'frothy sea of universes'

Scientists at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics said the universe is just one bubble amid a "frothy sea" of other universes. They say the theory of multiple universes comes from the idea of there being a vacuum in the beginning of time, with energy simmering like boiling water – the energy then started to evaporate and form bubbles."Maybe the bubbles were rare and far apart; maybe they were packed close as foam," they said in a statement."But here's the thing: each of these bubbles was a universe. In this picture, our universe is one bubble in a frothy sea of bubble universes. That's the multiverse hypothesis in a bubbly nutshell."

3. Universe is a 'mirage of a black hole' in 4D realm
This theory was also put forward by scientists at the Perimeter Institute. Here, they say the universe emerged from a collapsed star in a four-dimensional universe. Challenging the Big Bang Theory, which they say is the idea of singularity, the scientists say our perception of the universe is too rudimentary to comprehend a 4D universe.
They say our universe came about when a star in another 4D universe collapsed into a black hole, and that the universe was never inside the singularity, but is instead a feature of the imploded wreck.
Researchers concede, however, that they do not know what a 4D universe looks like or how it came to be.

4. We are living in a parallel universe where time runs backwards
Published in the journal Physical Review Letters, a group of scientists challenged the idea of the arrow of time running forward, saying there are two worlds, one where time moves forward and the other backwards. Looking at a computer model of particles under the influence of gravity, they found that no matter what size or amount, all would eventually evolve into a "low-complexity state".
From this state, particles expand outwards in both temporal directions, creating opposite arrows of time – one moving forward and the other backwards. "Along each of the two temporal paths, gravity then pulls the particles into larger, more ordered and complex structures—the model's equivalent of galaxy clusters, stars and planetary systems," a report in Scientific American said.
"From there, the standard thermodynamic passage of time can manifest and unfold on each of the two divergent paths. In other words, the model has one past but two futures." However, researchers also said intelligent beings would believe their arrow of time was moving forward.

5. Parallel universes exist and interact with one another
Scientists at the Griffith University in Queensland, Australia said parallel worlds exist and interact with one another – and that this helps to explain the "weird phenomena" of the universe. They said our universe is just one of a "gigantic number" of worlds, with some very similar to our own and others very different.
Their theory, Many Interacting Worlds, says that nearby worlds influence one another by a force of repulsion – which is where unexplained quantum phenomenon comes from. Co-author Michael Hall said: "The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics.

"In between it predicts something new that is neither Newton's theory nor quantum theory. We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and exploit quantum phenomena."
This post was written by Umer Abrar. To contact the author of this post, write to or add/follow him on facebook

Black Holes Are Nothing But Holograms, New Study Finds

Black holes are one of the most mysterious objects astronomer have encountered so far.  And a new study proposes that black are nothing but just a holographic projection, with a new calculation of the entropy - or also known as disorder. These calculations suggest that these giant enigmas of the Universe being nothing but an optical illusion. Holograph hypothesis was first proposed by physicist Leonard Susskind back in the 1990s, according to this theory, mathematically speaking, the Universe requires just two dimensions - not three - for the laws of physics and gravity to work as they really should.

Yeah this sounds crazy, but it could essentially resolve some crucial conflicts between Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Physicists have proposed that the main reason we can’t find out what happens to matter once it passes over the edge - or event horizon - and into a black hole, is because there is actually no 'inside'. As an alternative, everything that passes the edge gets trapped in the gravitational variations on the surface.

A group of physicists led by Daniele Pranzetti from the Max Planck Institute for Theoretical Physics in Germany has now presented a new approximation for the amount of entropy existing in a black hole, and their calculations support this situation.

The physicists were concentrating on the entropy - a physical property that encrypts how ordered, or disordered, something really is. According to Stephen Hawking, the entropy of a black hole must be relative to its area, but not its volume, and this notion is what encouraged the first thoughts about the probability of holographic black holes.

Joanne Kennel explains for The Science Explorer, said "Although there is some consensus in the scientific community that black holes must have entropy or their existence would violate the second law of thermodynamics, no agreement has been reached about the origin of this entropy, or how to calculate its value,"

For a new way of looking at this this problem, Pranzetti and his coworkers used a theoretical method called Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) to clarify a concept known as quantum gravity.

In theoretical physics, quantum gravity pursues to explain the force of gravity according to the rules of quantum mechanics, and forecasts that the fabric of space-time consists of tiny grains known as quanta - the 'atoms' of space-time.

Assemblages of these quanta are called condensates, and the physicists discovered that just like a jug full of atoms that make up water molecules, a black hole made of condensates would have all the similar properties, and their mutual behavior and gravitational effects could be resolute by studying the properties of just one.
What this means is that although we can't really see or measure what's inside a black hole's event horizon - and hence its entropy - it doesn't actually matter, if the collective properties of all its 'atoms' can be measured in just one.

The team explains in a press release "[J]ust as fluids at our scale appear as continuous materials despite their consisting of a huge number of atoms, similarly, in quantum gravity, the fundamental constituent atoms of space form a sort of fluid, that is continuous space-time. A continuous and homogenous geometry (like that of a spherically symmetric black hole) can ... be described as a condensate."
Now, think of a black hole as a three-dimensional basketball ring – consider the ring as the event horizon, and the net is the hole into which all matter foes and vanishes. Shove that net up into the ring to create it a flat, two-dimensional circle, and then visualize that all that metal and string is made of water. Now everything you measure in the ring can be applied to what's in the net.
With this in mind, now have a real model to show that the 3D nature of black holes might just be an illusion - all the information of a black hole can hypothetically be confined on a two-dimensional surface, with no need for an real 'hole' or inside.
Pranzetti and his group’s model has been explained in Physical Review Letters, and while it's going to be quite difficult to prove ultimately that black holes are in fact two-dimensional, theoretical physicists are definitly going to try anyway. This research might just be the next crucial stage to get them further on their way, and that's pretty freaking cool.
This post was written by Umer Abrar. To contact the author of this post, write to or add/follow him on facebook : 


10 Free Courses on Astronomy and the Universe

Physicists Claim That They've Finally Figured Out How to 'See' Inside a Black Hole 

<iframe src="" width="500" height="503" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

Five mind boggling theories about the universe and parallel worlds

1. Is the universe a 2D hologram?

The US Department of Energy launched an experiment to find this out earlier this year using its "Holometer". Researchers said that characters on a TV programme would not know their seemingly 3D world existed only on a 2D screen. In the same way, they said we technically could be living in a 2D universe with just an illusion of a 3D space. To find out, scientists said that if cooled to absolute zero, matter continues to emit quantum waves. If 2D packages (like pixels on a TV screen) follow the same theory, they will continue to vibrate. The Holometer is the most sensitive device ever, created to measure the "quantum jitter" of space.

 Craig Hogan, director of the laboratory, said: "We want to find out whether space-time is a quantum system, just like matter is. If we see something, it will completely change ideas about space we've used for thousands of years."

2. Universe is a bubble in a 'frothy sea of universes'

Scientists at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics said the universe is just one bubble amid a "frothy sea" of other universes. They say the theory of multiple universes comes from the idea of there being a vacuum in the beginning of time, with energy simmering like boiling water – the energy then started to evaporate and form bubbles."Maybe the bubbles were rare and far apart; maybe they were packed close as foam," they said in a statement."But here's the thing: each of these bubbles was a universe. In this picture, our universe is one bubble in a frothy sea of bubble universes. That's the multiverse hypothesis in a bubbly nutshell."

3. Universe is a 'mirage of a black hole' in 4D realm
This theory was also put forward by scientists at the Perimeter Institute. Here, they say the universe emerged from a collapsed star in a four-dimensional universe. Challenging the Big Bang Theory, which they say is the idea of singularity, the scientists say our perception of the universe is too rudimentary to comprehend a 4D universe.
They say our universe came about when a star in another 4D universe collapsed into a black hole, and that the universe was never inside the singularity, but is instead a feature of the imploded wreck.
Researchers concede, however, that they do not know what a 4D universe looks like or how it came to be.

4. We are living in a parallel universe where time runs backwards
Published in the journal Physical Review Letters, a group of scientists challenged the idea of the arrow of time running forward, saying there are two worlds, one where time moves forward and the other backwards. Looking at a computer model of particles under the influence of gravity, they found that no matter what size or amount, all would eventually evolve into a "low-complexity state".
From this state, particles expand outwards in both temporal directions, creating opposite arrows of time – one moving forward and the other backwards. "Along each of the two temporal paths, gravity then pulls the particles into larger, more ordered and complex structures—the model's equivalent of galaxy clusters, stars and planetary systems," a report in Scientific American said.
"From there, the standard thermodynamic passage of time can manifest and unfold on each of the two divergent paths. In other words, the model has one past but two futures." However, researchers also said intelligent beings would believe their arrow of time was moving forward.

5. Parallel universes exist and interact with one another
Scientists at the Griffith University in Queensland, Australia said parallel worlds exist and interact with one another – and that this helps to explain the "weird phenomena" of the universe. They said our universe is just one of a "gigantic number" of worlds, with some very similar to our own and others very different.
Their theory, Many Interacting Worlds, says that nearby worlds influence one another by a force of repulsion – which is where unexplained quantum phenomenon comes from. Co-author Michael Hall said: "The beauty of our approach is that if there is just one world our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, while if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics.

"In between it predicts something new that is neither Newton's theory nor quantum theory. We also believe that, in providing a new mental picture of quantum effects, it will be useful in planning experiments to test and exploit quantum phenomena."
This post was written by Umer Abrar. To contact the author of this post, write to or add/follow him on facebook


10 Free Courses on Astronomy and the Universe

Physicists Claim That They've Finally Figured Out How to 'See' Inside a Black Hole 

<iframe src="" width="500" height="503" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

marți, 6 septembrie 2016

Muzica ( fara youtube...)

Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Cose Della Vita

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 A La Carte - River Blue

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Pale Blue Dot (HD) Hashem AL-ghaili [Mirror]

Carl Sagan - You Are Here (Pale Blue Dot) [Sagan Time]

Humility - Carl Sagan


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luni, 5 septembrie 2016

Sa invatam engleza cu Iuli

Sa invatam engleza - CHESTIUNI DE BAZA - Let's Learn English English

 Sa invatam engleza - VERBUL TO DO (Verbele auxiliare part 4) - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - VERBUL TO BE (Verbele auxiliare part 3)-Let's Learn English
 Sa invatam engleza - VERBUL TO HAVE (Verbele auxiliare part 2)-Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - Raspuns la mesaje (LOCUL UNDE LOCUIM + TRANSPORT)
Sa invatam engleza - INTERVIU DE ANGAJARE /JOB INTERVIEW - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - NUMERE/NUMBERS (pana la 1 miliard)- Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - La CENTRUL COMERCIAL/AT THE SHOPPING CENTRE - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - 10 REPLICI UTILE - Let's learn English (cu traducere)
Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (partea 1 - PREZENTUL) - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (part 2 - TRECUTUL) - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (partea 3 - VIITORUL) - Let's Learn English
 Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (Verbul neregulat - part 1 - PREZENTUL)- Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (Verbul neregulat - part 2 - TRECUTUL)- Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - TIMPURILE VERBULUI (Verbul neregulat - part 3 - VIITORUL)- Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - VERBUL - NEGATIVUL si INTEROGATIVUL part 1 - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - VERBUL (NEGATIVUL si INTEROGATIVUL) - part 2 - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - Raspuns la mesaje: PRONUME PERSONALE si POSESIVE - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam Engleza - INTREBARI / QUESTIONS - Let's learn English (cu traducere in romana)
Sa invatam Engleza - CONVERSATIA INTIMA/INTIMATE CONVERSATION part 2 - Let's learn English
Sa invatam Engleza - LA DOCTOR/AT THE DOCTOR - Let's learn English (cu traducere in romana)
Sa invatam engleza - CORP şi FAŢĂ / Body and Face - Let's learn English
 Sa invatam engleza - FAMILIE/Family (cuvinte si propozitii) - Let's learn English
Sa invatam engleza - INSECTE/Insects - Let' learn English!
Sa invatam engleza - FRUCTE/FRUITS (cuvinte si propozitii) - Let's learn English!
Sa invatam engleza - LEGUME / VEGETABLES (+ verbe din BUCATARIE) - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza ZILELE SAPTAMANII / DAYS OF THE WEEK - Let's Learn English
Sa invatam engleza - LA FRIZER/AT THE BARBER - Let's Learn English
 Sa invatam engleza - LA COAFOR/AT THE HAIRDRESSER - Let's Learn English (cu trad. in romana)

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Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae FinsProductions

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Aura Urziceanu și Aurelian Andreescu 
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