joi, 18 august 2016

Nassim Haramein

Insect eyes are an example of a type holofractographic field patterning similar to structure that of the proton which is composed of 10^60 Planck spherical units (PSUs) packed in the arrangement of a 3D Flower of Life lattice structure: the fabric of the vacuum... The Resonance Project • THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • (post by Jamie Janover) All waveforms in the universe are spiral dynamics moving through the structure of the vacuum. We think of waves as something that goes up and down like hills and valleys, but that is a 2D flattening of what is a 3D dynamic. Even the entire solar system is a waveform with the planets all spiraling around the sun as it moves rapidly through the galaxy. Shells mirror this same dynamic in their structure, as does the molecules that encode our entire genetic heritage: DNA. THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • The Resonance Project • The Resonance Project - Traduction Française • (post by Jamie Janover) The mass of the universe fits in the volume of a proton - part 2: excerpt from Nassim Haramein's "Black Whole" DVD Explore the connected universe in an interactive online learning community with Nassim Haramein, The Resonance Project faculty and participants from all over the world: The Resonance Academy –> Everything in the universe emerges from an underlying unified organizational field patterning and gives rise to the self-similar scalar fractal organization of all living systems. We see in the images below how the structure of the neurons in the brain look strikingly similar to the structure of modern cities we build. Clusters of galactic structures organized themselves in a similar way in the early formation of the universe... THE CONNECTED UNIVERSE • The Resonance Project • Fractal Enlightenment • (post by Jamie Janover)

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